2 min readJun 7, 2021


Second Chance

Didn’t expect that I would write a post on this today.

The artist whom you love the most or the one who inspired me the most!

From childhood as every other kid I love drawing and painting a lot. I didn’t get a chance to learn it professionally but I would like to call myself as a self taught artist. So once I moved out of college I happened to face an interview question. I was asked to talk about the artist I got inspired from since I have mentioned drawing as my hobby. That time as I really didn’t follow any artist I told the only name I have heard about, that was Ravi Varma.

I might sound weird for saying this but yes I have never seen his paintings. People might question what kind of interest I had in art if I don’t even know who Ravi Varma was. Now you could imagine how the interview ended. (Sarcasm)

Later when I start analysing myself I realised that I grew up admiring the art on the walls paintings by many unknown artists. The reality in some of those paintings have filled my heart. Later I started exploring all these known artists and now I follow countless number of artists out there in social media.

Among all those the one person whom i admired a lot was realistic oil painting artist Ilayaraja. He created his own style over the years. We lost this talent today due to Corona. This news haunted me so much. Why?!

I recently got a chance to attend to his workshop in Bangalore which I missed due to some negligent reason and thought would get to attend his next workshop. But didn’t even expect that second chance would never come again. It took me so much time to come over the thought.

We all, in some or other situations wait for that second chance (like to learn something new, to express to our loved ones), but only a few get that second chance.

So please, don’t wait for that second chance.

I strongly believe artists live through their art.. Hope he also lives through his art for long..




Mom of lovely twins. Love to express through writings. In the process of becoming better person.