Perfectly Imperfect!

2 min readJun 6, 2021

So here comes my first post which might be imperfect in many ways but still gathered the courage to post it.

I have observed a certain quality in myself which I used to believe as my positive side. I call myself Perfectionist! I never had a clue at those times that no one can be perfect in anything they do. Perfect for me can be imperfect in many other ways to others. It took around 30+ years for me to realize this simple truth and break the barrier I have built around myself all these years.

Does being perfect affects you in anyway?! YES! You want to know how?

The image being ‘Am perfect’ does more harm to you rather than good.

Firstly it creates a sense of fear within yourself before starting any work. Fear of completing the task perfectly. Fear of missing out details. These fears either delay your progress or make you defer taking the first step itself!

Secondly it makes you expect the same result from everyone around you in whichever task you assign them. This creates the grip within yourself not being able to accept the outcome of others work. At the end you will end up doing all the tasks by yourself and get confined within you rather than delegating the work to others. This in a way adds more stress to your own life at the later stages if not in the earlier stages.

Does being imperfect affects you in anyway?! Few years back definitely I would have said YES, but now damn NOOOO!

How?! By accepting the fact that you can’t be perfect all the time, you give the liberation to explore more of yourself. You start any task without any fear of failure. You get the work done by others wherever needed. You start working smart rather than hard. It gives you a sense of freedom from mind blockage.

These are my own personal experiences. I am still in the process of learning to be imperfect. Would like to explore more on this. Probably you can share your thoughts about the same.




Mom of lovely twins. Love to express through writings. In the process of becoming better person.